About Us
Axis Strength Training is the premier training facility in Fulton County, offering Olympic Weightlifting, Power Lifting, Supertotal Training, Strongman, Axis Youth Program and a variety of strength & conditioning classes. All training programs are guided by a professional and experienced coaching staff.
Axis Strength Barbell Club
Axis Strength Barbell Club is a club that concentrates on improving the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk.
A certified USA Weightlifting coach is on hand to assist with technique and programming.
Training the Snatch and Clean & Jerk will increase speed and strength for any athlete. We provide programming and coaches on site to assist athletes throughout this session.
Have you heard about our Youth Program?
The Axis Youth Program was developed to instill a positive association with physical activity, a desire to be healthy and a goal of exhibiting character traits that will lead to a happy and successful life. Integrity. Discipline. Courage.
The Axis Youth Program provides important life skills to youth between the ages of 6 - 13 years old, such as working as a team, accepting feedback, personal responsibility and the fortitude to overcome challenges. Our goal here at the Axis Youth Program is to build and enhance a child’s strength, explosiveness, power and most importantly, their confidence!
Barbell Birthday BASH!!
Activities are led by Axis Youth Program Trainers
Ages 6-12yrs old
It's a Party!
*A fun personalized workout will be programmed for the birthday child!
*The birthday child will have the opportunity to be Assistant Trainer for the day!
*Training and fun games for all party members!
2hr Reserved Gym Time:
Early open time to allow for decorating
Fun Personalized Workout and Game
Cake/Ice Cream and gift opening
(cake/ice cream not included)
Email: axisstrengthtraining@gmail.com for Birthday Package Pricing and Availability!